First, he is seven weeks old today! Yay! He is the perfect baby.....that's right....I've had two perfect babies! Lucky girl am I and yes, I've considered being a surragate for hire. H
e is already sleeping 4 to 5 hours at a time. He is awake and alert during the day, smiling and cooing at his big brother. He receives SEVERAL smacks, eye pokes, paci hijacks a day from Cole and rarely puts up a fuss. He is very snuggly and starting to be quite talkative, loves baths and being out
side (good thing b/c Cole won't stay indoors at all anymore). I will admit that when something does upset him, he will let you know! In a very long and loud way! I attribute that to being the second child - you have to pick your battles so when you do pick one, its important to stage it appropriately! But I tell him that I understand and that despite certain disadvantages (like not having the dexterity to defend your paci against your older brother when you REALLY need it), second in line is a good place to be!
As of today, he is about 12 pounds 15 ounces and I can't tell how long b/c he's too long for my scale. He had his first road trip last week to OKC. And his next one is planned for next week - to Houston.
Ok, I think that covers the basics - enjoy the pics!
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